208-263-7100 [email protected]

Professional Family Mediators believe in maintaining self-determination.

We believe the only outcome you can guarantee is the one you determine for yourself.

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is a confidential process in which a mediator, functioning as an impartial and neutral third party, facilitates divorcing parties to come to voluntary agreements in a confidential and non-adversarial setting.  The mediation process allows the participants to communicate with each other through joint sessions or through the mediator in private conferences. Throughout the process the mediator works to focus the participants on their individual and joint interests or needs in an effort to reach mutually acceptable agreements that are specifically tailored to their situation.

Common Issues addressed in Divorce Mediation

  • Distribution of Property (Assets/Liabilities)
  • Retirement
  • Taxes
  • Child custody and parenting plan
  • Child support/maintenance

Do I need an attorney?

Mediation can be helpful whether you choose to hire an attorney or you choose to represent yourself in your divorce (pro-se).  Due to the high cost of attorney’s fees more and more divorcing people choose not to hire an attorney to handle their divorce.  Many states, including Idaho, allow divorcing parties to fill out and file their own divorce paperwork without the assistance of an attorney (http://www.courtselfhelp.idaho.gov/). Mediators can assist those choosing to file their own divorce, as well as, those who choose to work with attorneys.

Mediation v. Litigation: Which is right for you?



Confidential process protects privacy Private matters heard in the public domain of a courtroom and made public record.
Affordable allowing you to keep your wealth. Typically 1/3 or less of the cost of litigation. Expensive attorney’s fees for litigation typically three times or more of the cost of mediation.
More timely process and flexible scheduling. Long waits for court dates and the court determines the schedule.
Amicable process with mutually acceptable agreements taking into consideration your rights and your needs. Adversarial process with uncertain outcomes that only consider your rights.
Outcome controlled by the participants who create more comprehensive and customized Agreements. Judge decides and may not take into account your specific needs.


Let's discuss whether mediation is right for you.

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