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Why Hire a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst?

The Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) professional is someone who has gone through an intensive training program to become skilled in analyzing and providing expertise related to the financial issues of divorce. The CDFA can work independently for one party, can work for both parties, or can be part of the divorce team, by providing financial analysis support for the client and their attorney, or by becoming a member of a collaborative law team. The role of the CDFA is to help the client, their attorney, and other divorce team professionals understand how the financial decisions made today will impact the client’s financial future.

The many reasons to hire a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA)

Financial problems are often a primary factor leading to divorce. Once a decision to separate or divorce has been reached, all sorts of financial questions come to the surface. These questions are often clouded with emotion making it difficult to make the important and necessary decisions that will affect your financial future. Whether you choose to be represented by an attorney or to represent yourself in a divorce the CDFA can help you understand what to consider when making financial decisions and how those may impact you in the future.

Common Questions a Divorcing Couple May Have that a CDFA Can Help to Answer

  • Where will the children live?
  • What about child support?
  • How do we share costs?
  • Who will pay for their education and medical treatments?
  • Who gets the property? How do we know what is personal vs. community property?
  • What tax issues must we be concerned with?
  • How do divide retirement funds and pensions?
  • How will the lower earning spouse survive financially?
  • What additional financial help does that person need and for how long?
  • Who gets the house? Do we have to sell? Can one of us stay?
  • What happens if a paying spouse dies?

Common Questions a Divorcing Couple May Have that a CDFA Can Help to Answer

  • Where will the children live?
  • What about child support?
  • How do we share costs?
  • Who will pay for their education and medical treatments?
  • Who gets the property? How do we know what is personal vs. community property?
  • What tax issues must we be concerned with?
  • How do divide retirement funds and pensions?
  • How will the lower earning spouse survive financially?
  • What additional financial help does that person need and for how long?
  • Who gets the house? Do we have to sell? Can one of us stay?
  • What happens if a paying spouse dies?

Let’s discuss whether a CDFA’s assistance is right for you.

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